February 12, 2025

Team Member Starter Packs

Searching for a funny, imaginative & revealing team-based activity? Look no further. Team member starter packs is a 'meme' activity and is bound to get people laughing and chatting whilst showing how well they know each other.

Note: This exercise is most effective for teams who have been working together long enough to have made observations about their behaviours, preferences, clothing styles & sayings.It's also only recommended for teams who have strong social relationships and can share humour well together. Teams who are new, or going through a turbulent period, may have a harder time seeing the funny side of this activity.[caption id="attachment_2301" align="aligncenter" width="956"]

Team Member Starter Pack Example 2 | Agile Avengers

Team Member Starter Pack Example[/caption]

Tools Required

If you want to do this digitally, nothing other than some PowerPoints, Paint or Photoshop skills.If doing this face to face you will need:

  • Paper
  • Small box or cup
  • Pens
  • Blue tac (if you want to pin up)


You can take two approaches to this activity. If you want to do this digitally, you could select someone in the team and create their starter pack for them and share it with the team via your agreed digital channel and watch as others engage and start to create each other’s starter packs.If you are going to run this as a group activity, face to face, then you can follow these steps:

  1. Write everyone’s name on a small piece of paper, put them all in a box or up and pass around until everyone has drawn a name. If they pull out their own name then they should replace it and draw a second name. Explain that everyone should keep who they have to themselves until the end of the activity.
  2. Ask the team to think about the person who they have and create a starter pack for that person. They can use specific phrases or saying that the individual uses, pick out any clothing the person commonly wears, a drink or food type that they like or consume regularly or any other object or activity that they associate with that person. Usually, 4 attributes is enough to identify who it could be within the team.
  3. Allow 10 – 15 minutes for the team to think and create their team member starter packs.
  4. When everyone has finished, ask them to reveal their masterpieces and share who they have and what they chose to add what they have.
  5. If you wanted to gamify this part of the exercise, you could ask the team to guess who everyone else had selected.

[caption id="attachment_2300" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Team Member Starter Pack Example 2 | Agile Avengers

Team Member Starter Pack Example[/caption]


Team member starter packs is a fun, light-hearted way to see which characteristics and behaviours have been noticed by others, and what they think makes an individual who they are.It will highlight how well the team know each other and it is a fun way to marvel in those behaviours and characteristics which make us all unique.

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