Bring Me is a proper energiser that will get everyone moving. It's a super simple game that great works in person, or over video conference, and is sure to bring out the competitive nature of your team.
You'll read out a random selection of items and it's the first person to bring that item back to you that gets the point - easy as that!
Tools Required
A list of items that you can ask the team to find at work (or at home if you're doing this icebreaker remotely).
Here's an example list geared towards remote teams:
SIM card
Post-It Note
Shoe lace
Toilet roll
A pair of socks
Sleeping bag
House plant
Wellington boot
Something red that fits in the palm of your hand
A passport
Empty Alcohol Bottle
A piece of Lego
A games console controller
An iPad
Explain the rules: you're going to ask the team to bring you an item, and it's the first person to find that item and bring it back to you (the facilitator) that gets a point. You can make this game as long or short as you like by simply adjusting the number of rounds (items).
Start the round by saying "I want you to bring me..." then add an item from your list. We've added an example list in 'tools required' which works for remote teams, however half the fun is in thinking up your own random items!
The first person to return back (in person, or on the video call) with the item gets a point. You can also tier points for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place to add an extra element of competition.
Repeat step two, and pick another item from your list for the team to bring you. Keep going for as long as you want the icebreaker to last for.
The Bring Me game is purely for fun, and it's a great way to get everyone moving and shake the cobwebs off. Laughter is guaranteed!
If your team are working remotely and you've got a long video call together, this is a great icebreaker to kick things off and get the group laughing - OR if things are getting sleepy, you can bring this game in as an energiser half way through.